A New Job After Serving Long-Term Already in Learn Tricks

BENGALURU: This situation can be as complex as for a fresher to find a new job after their talent being rejected or did not qualify to nail in Campus Placements. However, this should not hold you back, ever.

Your work history obviously has contributed a lot and is a proof that you're in for the long run. You just need to demonstrate recruiters that you are still a worthwhile investment. Read below for five ways you can weigh-in through your resume:

Keep Learning

Long-term employment, sometimes, is an indication that your skills are outdated. However, you can prove them wrong if you have been refreshing your skills via formal education or self-learning. Did you ever participate in professional development courses? Well, that helps majorly!

List Different Positions Separately

Promotions are evidence that you were worth and were offered greater responsibility. You lateral movements also help employers in recognizing your diverse abilities. Try listing them under individual positions and describe the role. Play smart with the terms such as "selected by CEO to assist with a new department start-up" or "promoted to." If you've grown from the same position, mention how you made a difference to the organization.

Display Accomplishments

Employment description is never enough. It must go beyond your regular job duties. It becomes imperative to feature a track record of accolades and achievements. If you were always stifled with your current work-position, volunteer for a project that go beyond your area of work and accept new challenges. 

Your Employment History is an Advantage

The dedication, loyalty, and commitment you have recorded working earlier can be some potential selling points for you. In the interview, brief them on how you enjoyed your work throughout that tenure.

Your Experiences were Always Related to Your Goal

Though there are chances that your resume sport of a list of accomplishments. However, emphasize more on the experiences, skills, and training that associate to your existing goal. A resume is obviously a marketing piece than a career story; avoid covering every little detail of your past experiences. This will arm you with a stronger resume streamlined to your targeted job.

